As an interaction designer, I explore the fascinating intersection of the digital and physical worlds. Using Arduino microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi computers, and various sensors, I craft tangible, interactive experiences that bridge the gap between objects and users. My work focuses on creating intuitive, responsive systems that seamlessly blend technology with everyday life, pushing the boundaries of how we communicate with and through our environments.
Interactive Photobooth Controls
Two way serial communication bewtween Arduino and Touchdesigner. Controls for a photobooth with reactive-lit button
Art-Net LED Helmet
Art-Net LED Helmet. Receives realtime Art-Net from Touchdesigner to control LED patterns. Allows for prop to be synced with timecode etc.
Realtime Audio-Reactive DMX Lighting
Realtime audio-reactive DMX light control with Touchdesigner
Material Explorations
Using linear polarization films and properties to create a "blackout" effect
Creating a two way mirror with mirrored film, applied to screen and mapped with Touchdesigner. User sees a "digital version" overlayed on their reflection
Projection mapping my car, with a realtime audio-reactive pattern. A microphone was placed at the foot of the driveway, as cars passed by, the audio would "pass through" the visual pattern.
"Digital Window" was created with Touchdesigner and Xbox Kinect camera, on display at Opticks, an A/V club I am a member with.